Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ACG-Logistics Inc from Doylestown, PA

So I did a couple of loads in a row for theese guys, from New Jersey to Southern California one at the end of January and the next at the begining of February. It costs money to get paid quicker and i always try to plan mine out and get paid later, but receive all the money without fees. So, they have a 30 day pay that I opted to do, with NO Advance and I sent in original scanned copies via e-mail (in Color) and asked the dispatcher, Tom, whom by the way is a very nice guy, to start the 30 day countdown based on the e-mailed .pdf file and I will send him the originals in the mail as well, to which he agreed.
When it came time to pay, I called and Beth in the accounting office said she would send the payment out based on when she received the bills. So, I overlook this and said, "Well, maybe Tom wasn't aware that's how it's got to be done..." When the 30 days came due, according to when Beth said she received my papers, she said she would send it a couple of days early, and I was happy about that - this was in the middle of the week, so I expected payment at the end of that current week, maybe by Monday of the following week at the latest. Instead I got it on the following Saturday. When my wife opened the envelope, I asked her to look at the postage date and it was the middle of next week that the check for my first load got sent out. So, I ignored this and went on with my life.
When the time came to pay my next load, based on 30 days from date of receipt, I called Beth a little bit in advance about the time they needed to send me the payment so I would receive it by the 17th of this month. This was two Thursdays ago on 12th of March, and she told me, "I'm not sure why the system hasn't generated the payment yet, but the system has it scheduled to go out tomorrow." I asked "Can you give me a check number?" to which she replied "I don't have one now, but it will go out tomorrow." So, naturally I waited again until this morning March 24th when I called again, having not received the payment for this load yet, and asked her why this payment has not come yet, and reminding her of the job I did for them on theese last loads that even the receiver asked for my name to have me requested as the delivery driver for the following load. To quote them directly they said, "I can't believe this load is not on the floor! Usually when we get these loads, they barrels are on the floor." After this, she cuts me off and asks me in a very insensitive way "Let's start with an invoice number." I replied "Invoice #9009" and she said "I'll get the payment processed and sent out today." This just turned all my insides all around and I got rouled up and frustrated that my settlement has still not been sent out, and because of the prior load's payment experience, I asked her "Beth, last load, when I called you, you said you are going to send out payment on Friday of the week I called you, but based on the postage marking and the time that I received that payment, it didn't go out untill the middle of next week. Could you tell me ahead of time if I will experience the same with this load? I want to make sure that I can make my mortgage payment at the begining of next month?!" She said "I told you the check number and that I'm sending out today!! What else do you want me to do?" after which she rattled something about "goodbye" and hung the phone up in my face.
I'm not going to say that I came accross as a nice guy while on the phone with her, but considering my frustration in waiting almost 2 months for payment on this load, without a cash advance, out of my pocket in fuel expense of approximately $1,000, and rudeness topped off with ignorance, I would say I was doing a good job not yelling or swearing at her about it. I have a family to support and I have bills. The load didn't pay what I usually get from the East Coast to the West Coast, but I figured on at least getting paid on time.
I don't encourage anyone to do business ACG Logistics Inc from Doylestown, PA. I hope this message gets out and people start to pay attention to how they are being treated for the great job they do.

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